Saturday, 22 June 2013

New day, New learnings

And once again we were with Dr. Mandi. This time we were greeted with wooden blocks as part of the Mandi products.

We were provided with two cases, which consisted of building a tower using the blocks:
1. The first case had an open eyed person doing the job.
2. The second case had a blind-folded person doing the same job.

We were then asked to guess how many blocks each person could place one over the other till the tower fell. As expected, the number guessed for the blind-folded person was lesser than that for the open eyed person. We could see the normal human behavior, where in we expect less out of a person who we think cannot perform efficiently due to various different reasons.

We were then made to perform this activity in class. The first person, who was open eyed could place 22 blocks one over the other in a go. For the second case, we had one person (blind-folded) doing what a second person (Manager - open eyed) instructed him to do, both being watched by a third person (the CEO). The second case could place 25 blocks.

And so came into picture an important lesson here.
It explained the modern management concept of delegation of power.

The first person had the power of 'Decision-making' as well as 'Doing' with him. This needed him to perform two tasks. This decremented the end productivity. The modern management concept says we can split the 'Decision-making' part and the 'Doing part', as it was seen in the second case, where the Doer was the blind-folded person,
the manager was the second person, and the third person acted as the supervisor or CEO. This second approach increases the productivity of the end task, as was seen.

Though the second case has its own challenges, but overall it is a far better and efficient manner of management.

And so our second day was concluded with this important and unforgettable lesson which was so beautifully and practically explained by none other than Dr. Mandi. :)

Deciphering the POM, the 'Mandi' way

Not everyone is, what he is born to be. Some never realize their purpose of existence, and some are unsuccessful in achieving it due to lack of knowledge, resources or willpower. I feel lucky to have come across one such rare person, known as Dr Mandi to almost anyone and everyone who has been a part of the Indian B-school industry. This was very much evident from his style of teaching, which greatly differed from the conventional way. He knows how to truly connect with his students. His practical way of teaching helps us to experience as well as learn the basic principles of management and business in the classroom itself.

Our first interaction with him opened up the whole new world of 'Mandi' for us. 'Mandi' is an event (and also his brainchild), which makes the students come down to the grass-root level of marketing and selling. He told us about how learning could also yield earning and vice versa. He showed us various 'toys' as he calls it, which have been part of the products sold during 'Mandi'. One of them was a Newton's Cradle. The below picture would give you an idea about how it really looks.

He explained how this simple product which explains the Newton's third law of motion (and which also applies in management and business), could help the students earn a huge amount of profit.
Another product was a small rubber ball, which you can find anywhere. But then, this one had a globe printed on it. So this showed how you could share knowledge in such a cost effective manner. A child could play and learn, together! So thus it was proved, that learning and earning could go hand in hand, something that we had failed to acknowledge or realize in our past 18 years of existence.

Looking forward to our next interaction :)